Friday, July 17, 2009

Kozma is getting used to cafes. This Starbucks is in Sofia.


  1. I can't tell by this picture but is Kozma fixed? I'd really like one of his puppies. Do plan to breed him? He is one of the most beautiful pugs I have ever seen. But what's up with that name, can you tell us what it means? How is Starbucks in Bulgaria? Is it the same as the one I go to at my local mall? Isn't Starbucks amazing too? Just think, if I get one of Kozma's puppies, we could both be sitting in our local Starbucks. That would be cool. What does Kozma like at Starbucks, I order venti no fat latte's? Do you let your husband help you wtih the blog? Must be alot of work for one person? Sorry for the 20 questions, but this is such an amazing dog. But why no pictures of Kozma's daddy on the blog?

  2. We met Kozma in Istanbul--twice! Now we are looking to get a black pug just like Kozma.
